Next generation AI for customer loyalty and engagement

Engage your users 10X with a human centric, conversion & adoption platform.

Our AI fosters emotional connections for long lasting customer loyalty

Engage and attract customers in an authentic and natural way, to build long-term relationships, and create loyal and engaged customers… efficiently.

Train the AI with your own data – and other’s

Provide any product information, links, data sheets, customer relations, sales and marketing information, and the AI will instantly be able to answer any questions from your audience.

By providing detailed information about you and what you are looking for, answers will be more precise and engaging to your leads.

Web pages
Documents (doc, pdf, txt, ppt and more)
Integrations (Intercom, Zendesk, Hubspot, etc.)

Comes in any language – and tone of voice

Whatever language your audience communicates in, the conversation continues in the same language.

And what’s even cooler - you set your brands’ tone of voice. Be it witty and fun, or professional and concise.

Large Language Model (LLM)

Embed your AI any way you choose - and everywhere you like

It’s not only about being relevant and providing the right information seamlessly. It’s also about being contextual and being able to provide information in the context your audience is in - everywhere.

That’s why we out-of-the-box provide several formats for you to choose from to embed o your website.
No coding skills needed.

Upload your own images or vdo
Integrated with Unsplash for unlimited images

Go beyond text - use voice

Mor than 62% of the population use voice messages, and 30% communicate by voice multiple ties a day. We use OpenAI's voice feature and it's indistinguishable from humans.

You just choose the sound of your AI's voice to reflect your brand and the feel you want to bring to you audience. Be it soothing, distinct, formal, casual female or male.

Multilingual musing LLM's
Trained with your own content
Seamlessy integrated

Engage your customers by 10X

Full language support

We use Large Language Models (LLM's) to fully support +120 languages. Both in writing and speech from our AI.

Fully integrated

We integrate with your internal CRM, Sales and Marketing tools, to keep conversations and data transparent and accessible.

You own your data

User data is securely stored - enterpise grade - in your database, so you never have to worry about 3rd party privacy issues.

Breach prevention

Surveillance and warning system on
bot login attempts, brute force,  breaches and more.


You decide where your data is stored, so yo seamlessly comply to EU GDPR or US CCPA legislation.

SDK’s to suit your brand

Pre-built components to get you started in minutes. And a customizable UI and styles to match your brand.

Get early access and experience the benefits of using Productpath. Be part of our beta program and sign up now

Don't worry - your email won't be used for anything else.

Everything you need, to build long term loyal customer relationships

We make AI a core part of your business processes by leveraging comprehensive company data provided by yourself.

Multiple conversation forms

Some people text, some speak. We don't rule anyone out, but provide what your users prefer.

Growth Icon - Technology Webflow Template

Adaptable flows

A conversational and intelligent UI that engages with your audience, and adapts on the fly - based on user input and answers.

You define the experience

Train your AI to create unique experiences - it’s all in your hands what information you want to share.

The data is yours
- safe and secured

Data is a key component for all companies. The data we collect is all yours - stored with enterprise grade security.

Responsive AI companions
- for your whole company

Intelligent AI companions  that offer empathetic responses, emotional intelligence and a deep understanding of who we are as people.

Marketing & Sales

Customer engagement fuels trust, loyalty, and valuable feedback, enhancing sales and marketing efforts. By actively involving customers, teams can tailor strategies and products to meet their needs, leading to increased retention and advocacy, ultimately boosting sales growth.

Customer Succes

Customer engagement is vital for Customer Success teams as it fosters strong relationships, and drives product adoption, ensuring customer satisfaction and loyalty. Engaged customers provide valuable feedback, aiding in continuous improvement efforts and driving overall success.

Product & Engineering

Customer engagement is essential for product and engineering teams as it offers direct insights for product development, prioritizes user-centric features, and fosters collaboration, driving innovation and competitiveness.

Did you say integrations?

We make it a breeze for your Customer Success, Sales and Marketing teams, to get the data you need from your existing tools, like Salesforce, Hubspot, Salesloft, Outreach, Pipdrive, Campaign Monitor, Zendesk, Intercom and many more.

10X increased user engagement, compared to traditional onboarding and engagement tools  
Our AI writes and speaks in +120 languages. No need for you to worry about translations
+50% of users a more likely to engage with a personal and on-brand experience
+20% more leads end up as converted customers, compared to traditional, static onboarding flows